
Framing is Everything

A conversation that was sparked during a recent 1:1 live support session focused on the importance and value of framing our group’s experiences. In the…

Know Your Why

Many of you will be familiar with the work of Simon Sinek, leadership expert and TED Speaker. Indeed, it was his phenomenal TED Talk How…

Walking Is Controlled Falling

Earlier this week, I came across the words of organisational psychologist and author Adam Grant: “Feeling unsteady is not a sign of instability. It’s often…

Kintsukuroi & How Groups Can Celebrate Failure

There’s an ancient Japanese philosophy that, I think, is particularly pertinent for many groups that are experiencing growing pains. You know, those groups that don’t…

Less is More

It seems like a weird thing to say, but less is more. Counterintuitive, right? I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before, and I think most…

Struck or Stuck?

Need a really simple reflection question? Try this quick, easy and surprisingly insightful technique that will invite reflection at the end of your group’s learning…

Are You Better Off?

Australia has just experienced a seismic shift in our political landscape as a result of last month’s federal election. Don’t worry – this article is…

Why Are We Playing Games?

If you use group games and activities to help people connect, I’m sure that some version of the question – Why are we playing games?…

Counterintuitive Feedback Question

As a young student, I did okay at school. I regularly scored well on tests and the like and would come home with excellent reports….

How To Increase Engagement with Virtual Audiences

The number one thing most teachers and trainers tell me when we discuss their most pressing problems is how difficult it is to engage their…

Do You Have Any Case Studies That Showcase Your Work?

A colleague asked me this week: What do you do when a client asks you to share case studies to verify the effectiveness of your…

How Do I Get The Support of Those In Charge?

This is such a common question, I’m surprised I have not thought to share this earlier: “How can I enrol in others in the benefits…

How to Avoid Buzz Word Answers

It is so easy to tell when a group is tired and jaded of the typical form-a-circle-and-answer-a-few-questions debrief strategy. (Ugh, I think I was bored…

What Students Need Coming Back to School

Students in the southern hemisphere have started coming back to school in what will be their third year impacted by the COVID19 pandemic. After a…

Who Owns An Idea?

My friend and mentor, the late Karl Rohnke, shared a quote with me that inspired the whole trajectory of my career: “A good idea doesn’t…

Are You Ready to Learn?

If you have followed my work for a while now, you will know that there are a handful of really – I mean, really –…


This is an article about what happens when you cross facilitation with manipulation. It may sound like a joke, but it’s not – it’s what…

How to Transfer Learning to the Real World

My nine-year-old son likes to mimic one of his favourite cartoon characters Bluey when he says “In real life?” to respond to something I have…

Politics Lives Downstream from Culture

I am fortunate to be a part of a wonderful Mastermind Group that meets fortnightly (via Zoom) and shares a deep well of wisdom regularly…

How To Do Physical Distancing?

Slowly but surely, groups are gathering again face-to-face after many months of being apart because of the COVID19 pandemic. Students are returning to classrooms and…

Feeling Overwhelmed & Don’t Know Where to Start?

A familiar lament of many teachers at the start of a new school year was echoed by a member today seeking help: I want to…

Connecting Students When They Come Back to School

The northern hemisphere is waking up and students are returning to the classroom. In most places, this will be face-to-face, while in others, the practice…

4 Quick Tips to Improve Online Delivery

Do you present or lead sessions online? Do you have 2 minutes to digest four quick tips to help you ramp up the engagement of…

5 Essential Tools To Help Groups Thrive

“A tradesman is only as good as their tools.” – author unknown A carpenter looks at a piece of lumber and can see a finely…

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Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

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