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Very challenging engineering task for small groups.
Complex group initiative using simple equipment.
Fun lateral thinking puzzle to sharpen observation skills.
Mystery solving game develops teamwork through detective skills.
Intriguing team puzzle that is very tough to crack.
Fun deductive-reasoning puzzle for small groups.
Intriguing logic puzzle designed to be solved in groups.
Virtual adaptation of popular team-based challenge.
Fun navigational exercise to build observation skills.
Medley of fun brainteasers & lateral-thinking problems.
Series of mini-mysteries which foster critical thinking.
Novel group initiative to test memory skills.
Group line-up strategy that builds interaction & engagement.
Team-based adaptation of the commercial game Boggle.
Fast-paced, competitive group initiative that's fun too.
Highly interactive ice-breaker, energiser & team event.
Fun puzzle to inspire teamwork & critical thinking.
Classic team puzzle that focuses on critical thinking.
Innovative set of playing cards featuring team puzzles.
Intriguing word puzzle that challenges assumptions.
Challenging team puzzle that inspires possibility.
Series of fun & clever cryptic word puzzles to solve.
Birthday number game amazes groups with mind-reading magic.
Difficult decision-making task that seeks consensus.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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