
Knowledge About v Knowledge Acquired

Last year, I was gifted an opportunity to participate in an 8-week online learning course delivered by the wonderful folks at the Institute for Experiential…

Come Learn Experiential Learning with Me

Ready to take your experiential design and delivery skills to the next level and gain confidence in ALL areas of experiential learning? If that’s a…

Blending Theory with Play to Enhance Experiential Learning

We know that “All work and no play makes Jack (or Jill) a dull person” but what happens if it’s all play and no theory?…

The Power of Fun Is In The Trying

I love it when someone shares a story that illustrates the difference they are making in this world, especially when I may have inspired it…

Podcast: Learning at the Edge

If you love digesting podcast episodes, I invite you to dive into the latest Learning at the Edge episode from our friends at the Institute…

How To Bring Experiential Learning Online

Bringing Experiential Learning Online is Easier than you Think   We’ve lived with the global pandemic and remote work for more than a year now….

Understand How You Learn & Teach These Insights To Others

When you consider that learning is the major process by which you navigate life, learning how to do this well becomes an essential condition to…

Student-Driven Learning That Works

To usher in the new year, I’m excited to share a short (3 minute) video with you that features a unique school in Australia that…

Experiential Learning is Not Learning by Doing

This week’s Facilitator Tips episode explores the distinction between the methodology of experiential learning and the learning style of learning by doing. In my early…

Does Experiential Learning Work?

There are some educators who believe that integrating ‘real-life’ experiences – which they understand as experiential learning – into school curriculum offers no discernible long-term value…

The Power of Experiential Learning

Ever wanted a glimpse into what is possible at school? Read this article from Education Week newspaper. The author, Jonathan Lash, provides a wonderful illustration…

Free eBook:
Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.