
Lead with a Dash of Play: Podcast

If you like to consume fresh content via a Podcast, I’d love to introduce you to a brand new Podcast series called Lead with a…

The Power of Fun Is In The Trying

I love it when someone shares a story that illustrates the difference they are making in this world, especially when I may have inspired it…

Key Elements of Play

This week’s Facilitator Tips episode shares the seven key characteristics of play as researched by Dr Stuart Brown, the founder and President of the National…

What Is Flow?

After working with groups all over the world for 30+ years now, I know that when they accept my invitation to enter into a space…

Can Play Save The World?

Followers of this blog and the work of playmeo will know that we have a fervent belief that play is an essential element in the…

Valuing the Benefits of Play

There’s a wonderful organisation called Playworks that believes recess (you know, that free time during school hours students spend out of the classroom?) should be…

How To Break The Ice

As already shared, I’m excited to be keynoting at the forthcoming APPEC in Hong Kong, 12-13 November 2016. I always have so much to share,…

All Work & No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy

Here’s a link to a Radio National interview conducted recently which explored the value and enormous benefits of integrating ‘play’ into the lives of adults in…

Become A Better Teacher – Play!

I’m a regular browser of Edutopia. Today, I came across a wonderful article which captured the essence of Dr Stuart Brown’s book ‘Play.’ I have…

How Do I Get My Kids To Play Outdoors More?

It’s a common complaint of parents and teachers these days – how do I get kids to play outdoors – that kids are so entranced…

More Play, Less School

Here’s a MUST READ ESSAY from Dr Peter Gray, professor of psychology at Boston College, which implores educational systems around the world to introduce more…

Have We Under-Estimated the Value of Play?

There is no doubt that we have under-estimated the value of play in our educational ‘systems.’ You only have to look at the stereotypical classroom…

5 Learning Strategies That Inspire Curiosity

Stumbled across this post from Terry Heick, a US-based educator focused on social improvement through learning innovation, and Director of Curriculum, TeachThought. He argues, these…

Play is Essential to Human Development

Adding to my post a few days ago, I offer this further understanding of the benefits of integrating ‘play’ into your curriculum. Extensive research has…

A Definition of Play

I make a very simple request at the start of all of my professional development & training workshops – I invite my group to play….

Two Hours of Fun & Physical Activity Every Week in Schools

Followers of this blog, not to mention my work in the field of education, will know that I bang on a lot about the critical…

Back-To-School Games & Activities: Lesson #2

At the start of the new school year, one or more students are often new to the classroom. Playing a series of fun, interactive games…

Question: How To Play In War-torn Syria?

A question about how to play in war-torn Syria comes from Rita, living in the middle of a war zone: “…I live in Damascus Syria….

Rules for Adults During Play Time

In case you can’t read the rules, this is what the sign says: Turn off all cell-phones Follow the child’s lead Play at the child’s…

Have Fun & Play, You Might Learn Something

Here’s an article that contains some useful and practical leadership advice about the value of play in our programs… it was first posted on the…

The future depends on play… seriously!

My good friend and fellow play and adventure advocate Gary Nussbaum, passed on a link to this amazing documentary that shines a bright light on…

Free eBook:
Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.