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Two hands with interwoven fingers create what is called a fun energiser called Wiggle Waggle

Wiggle Waggle

Curious & dextrous physical stunt to inspire play.

  • Promotes play
  • Develops critical thinking
  • Generates energy
  • Partner activity
  • No props

Step-by-Step Instructions

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Health & Wellness Programming Premium

Popular Variations Premium

Virtual Adaptation Premium

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Comments (1)

  1. Silvio Berlfein

    I am looking for virtual activities for classes I saw this that I had not seen before and I have an idea on how to give the virtual adaptation another twitch.
    Everyone on the screen has their hands down.. When you spotlight someone, that is the CLINT EASTWOOD Look and everyone has to do it and see if they beat the Spotlighted character. If they did they stay where they are . If they did not the turn off their camera and turn it back on.. that takes them to the end of the line on most screens except their own.
    No scoring.. just the spotlight and the movement on screen can be interesting.. you can ask after a while.. who did not loose and even using hide self view.. have everyone watch a battle.

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