Search for Free & then Filter & Sort to find the Perfect Activity Idea
Finger counting game that builds strategy & quick thinking.
Very simple, yet powerful metaphoric reflection tool.
Very calming, sensuous mindfulness exercise for groups.
Fun & creative story-telling exercise to explore mindsets.
Playful partner game to inspire creativity & interaction.
Energetic & zany series of sequential stunts.
Calming exercise to help groups reflect & be present.
Mindful breathing exercise for groups to promote relaxation.
Simple tool to bring intentionality to your programs.
Exciting partner game that seeks commonality.
Large group energiser that naturally builds participation & engagement through...
Fun mindful 'unofficial start' exercise & brain break.
Partner icebreaker activity creates laughter & connection.
Dynamic traversing challenge for one or more people.
Strategies that facilitate early engagement & interaction.
Simple processing exercise using alphabet letter set.
Extremely fun & engaging small group creative task.
Useful set of emotive cards to encourage fun & reflection.
Fun team-based tag featuring collaboration & strategy.
Fun deck of cards to inspire team-building & creativity.
Balloon reflection activity adds fun to serious discussions.
Highly skilled variation of a classic tag game.
Active energiser game gets everyone moving with Rock-Paper-Scissors fun.
Simple ice-breaker to connect group members to others.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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