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Multi-layered group initiative to test collaboration.
Very simple, yet powerful metaphoric reflection tool.
Challenging & enthralling group initiative for small groups.
Playful representation to discuss group behavioural norms.
Blindfold team-building game to develop trust & communication.
Fun group initiative to explore the skill of multitasking.
Super-fun large group activity ideal for wide open spaces.
Blindfold team activity builds trust & problem-solving skills.
Terrific group problem-solving exercise to teach perspective.
Dramatic trust-building game to explore impacts of competition.
Complex group initiative using simple equipment.
Very simple & handy way to discuss behavioural norms.
Listening skills activity that develops empathy & communication skills.
Cultural diversity exercise to build awareness & understanding.
Group challenge game tests teamwork with target throwing task.
Energetic team-based variation of golf with rubber rings.
Fun & creative strategy to explore goal-setting.
Creative exercise to discuss behavioural norms & set goals.
Group discussion method turns questions into meaningful conversations.
Extremely adaptable version of classic group initiative.
Gentle interactive movement exercise to show leadership.
Powerful tool to make decisions based on collective wisdom.
Balloon group games medley to promote team spirit & laughter
Exciting partner game that seeks commonality.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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