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Classic group initiative to strengthen communication skills.
Series of mini-mysteries which foster critical thinking.
Classic group initiative to pass through a web of strings.
Creative reflection activity that encourages deeper reflection.
Thought-provoking variation of traditional baseball.
Set of question cards to inspire meaningful conversations.
Engaging technique to tell a story about an experience.
Mind reading game creates mystery & group engagement.
Revealing get-to-know-you exercise using a common prop.
Fast-paced, frenetic word game to inspire creativity.
Simple, fast-paced group initiative to test memory skills.
Highly coordinated team-based traversing challenge.
Novel group initiative to test memory skills.
Challenging, quick-reflex exercise for small groups.
Interactive strategy to help groups make decisions.
Conversation starter game that builds meaningful connections.
Role play activity builds trust through acting scenarios.
Fun reflection exercise that fosters open dialogue.
Simple, yet dynamic & fast-paced group initiative.
Group line-up strategy that builds interaction & engagement.
Strategies that facilitate early engagement & interaction.
Outdoor strategy game that combines teamwork & tactical play.
Unique icebreaker activity creates instant connection.
Ground-based traversing challenge to foster collaboration.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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