Search for Free & then Filter & Sort to find the Perfect Activity Idea
Dramatic trust-building game to explore impacts of competition.
Listening skills activity that develops empathy & communication skills.
Very simple energising team-building exercise.
Exciting team-based, pattern-finding group initiative.
Structured ice-breaker for in-person & virtual gatherings.
Set of question cards to inspire meaningful conversations.
Simple, fast-paced group initiative to test memory skills.
Conversation starter game that builds meaningful connections.
Simple, yet dynamic & fast-paced group initiative.
Highly interactive ice-breaker, energiser & team event.
Card team building game enhances non-verbal communication.
Trust exercise that focuses on inclusion & diversity.
Series of fun, engaging & random ways to mix people.
Mathematical group initiative using a deck of cards.
Innovative set of playing cards featuring team puzzles.
Active energiser game gets everyone moving with Rock-Paper-Scissors fun.
Suspenseful group game that's difficult to succeed.
Sweet & purposefully interactive greeting game.
Secret person selection methods for choosing roles in group activities.
Small group initiative that demands critical thinking.
Chaotic & highly interactive community-building game.
Simple initiative to focus on effective communication.
Challenging group initiative to test patience & focus.
Quick team-building activity that develops leadership & planning skills.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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