
NEW – Connectiles 2 Team Puzzle

The original Connectiles team puzzle is one of playmeo’s most popular teambuilding activities. A colourful and fun team puzzle featuring more than 80 clues, it…

Why Playing Group Games & Activities Is Valuable: Use Case #1

Have you wondered – or perhaps even been pushed to explain – why playing group games & activities can be useful? This post is all…

What Are The Best Teambuilding Activities?

Ah, this is such a great question that I have been asked countless times throughout my career. “Hey Mark, tell me, what do you think…

Fun 60-Minute Team-Building Program

When I first started as an experiential educator, one of the most powerful ways to learn was to emulate the program delivery models of some…

Teambuilding in a Ballet School: A Case Study

The following article is a wonderful case study of what is possible when you combine play, fun and group games & activities in an unexpected…

Team-Building is Crap

I spend a few minutes each day contributing to various educational blogs and social media platforms. In one post on TeachThought, a program provider from…

This Is Not A Team-Building Program

A colleague, Jeffrey ‘Goose’ Gosnell, reported last week that he has chosen to stop using the term ‘team-building’ when speaking with prospective clients at his…

Choosing Is An Attitude

More and more I have come to the conclusion that one of the most powerful attributes of success for an individual or a group is…

Does Team-Building Work? Show Me The Proof…

As a team-building group facilitator, this is a question I am often asked: do team-building programs work? I could point to dozens of examples which…

Two Unlikely Team-Building Ideas

Here are two poor team-building ideas that get under my skin when a client is making decisions in regards to their forthcoming team retreat or…

Team-Building Puzzles

Adding brain-teasers and puzzle-type activities into your team-building programs is a great way to vary the pace of your program, and, not to mention, provide…

Ten TED Talks Every Team Should See

What’s a TED talk, I hear you say? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and avid followers of this blog will know that I’m a…

Free eBook:
Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.