
How to Form Random Pairs & Partners
Facilitator Tips Episode 01

How To Form Groups of 2 People Randomly


Our first Facilitator Tips episode shares a variety of simple and fun strategies to help you form random pairs.


Go to Episode 2 >>


If your group suffers from friendship groups or cliques, then I urge you to watch this video to add to your leadership tools.

Click the play button above to learn more.

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Video Transcript


Hello and welcome to Episode 1 of the Facilitator Tips video series.

My name is Mark Collard. I’m an experiential trainer and author and also the founder of www.playmeo.com, and today I want to talk to you about how to form random pairs.

One of the worst things you can ever do ordinarily particularly in the beginning of a group is to say pick a partner, and I talk more about the issues of that in Episode 3. But it’s not even about that that you should never say those words. There’s just so many other fun ways of asking someone to find a random partner.

And here’s just a few ideas for you…

Colour. Colour of their top, colour of their hair, their eyes, their trousers, all sorts of different ways.

Shoes. Not just the type of shoe or their brand name, what they’re used for but also the sole of their shoe. Find someone with a matching sole of their shoe.

Their birth. Maybe it’s the month in which they’re born, the date in which they’re born, the season they’re born or even their zodiac, lots of different ways.

Hair. Not just the colour of their hair but think about it, the length of hair. Find someone with similar length of hair to you.

Favourites. Goodness, this is an exhaustive list, but you could go for a favourite movie, favourite book, favourite song, favourite celebrity, favourite country, favourite holiday destination.

Numbers. Everyone has a mobile phone or a cell phone these days. Think of the last digit. Find someone with the same last digit as you. And then finally do one hand behind your back, extend a certain number of fingers behind you and then when you bring them out, look for someone with the same number of fingers as you.

And my last minute tip will be to go and check the show notes today. The show notes, in particular, are going to give you a few ideas for 25 more different ways of finding a way to form a random pair.

And that’s it for now.

Be sure to check the show notes for more information and for links to many other ways in which you can form a random pair.

And be sure to leave a comment. There will be one lucky commenter each episode who will receive a free subscription to playmeo’s activity database.

Until then have fun.


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