
The Carbon Generation

While this post may seem like a big departure from the typical focus of this blog, I assure you there is a strong connection.

They say a picture tells a thousand words.

The photo you see featured in this post comes from the Carbon Almanac Photo Book. It is a collection of stunning photographs from a group of photographers who came together from around the world to raise awareness for climate change.

This particular image is drawn from Generation Carbon – A Carbon Almanac for Kids, a collection of snapshots of the children who will bear the brunt of the decisions made by previous generations. I do hope you will click the links and soak in the beauty of these images and, importantly, resonate with their message.

These resources are free. Download them today and then share.

Climate change is not a ‘me’ problem, it’s a ‘we’ problem.

And to make a difference, we must first understand what is happening.

To this end, this is no different to the work we do in advance of designing and delivering a program for our groups. We use fun group games & activities to help groups connect, and once connected, we all know how much easier it is to amplify whatever our group is trying to get done.


The Carbon Almanac

The Carbon Almanac front cover
As you climb down this visually stunning rabbit hole and connect with the messages they convey, you may be interested to learn more about The Carbon Almanac.

This 328-page book is the definitive source for facts and the foundation for a global movement to fight climate change. A book playmeo and I helped create with 2K+ other passionate artists, entrepreneurs, scientists & teachers who believe it’s not too late to stop climate change.

In this book, you will learn about the four most significant factors which account for almost all of the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into our environment. They are regarded as the Four Horsemen of the Carbon Apocalypse – coal, combustion, cows and concrete (sources.)


Two Quick Facts


Here are two facts (not opinions) I learned from reading the book that resonated powerfully for me:

  • Milk is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all aeroplanes combined (source.)
  • Eating a plant-based diet is the third most powerful influence in drawing down carbon emissions in our environment (source.)

Finally, this is also true.

As true for the groups we lead as much as for this, the Carbon Generation – if we have the guts to focus on the big things now, the road forward will be far easier and more predictable.


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