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Adventure Games, Initiative Problems, Trust Activities & Guide to Effective Leadership

QuickSilver includes ten years’ worth of new ideas from Karl Rohnke (author of the best-selling activity publication Silver Bullets) featuring icebreakers, warm-ups, games, stunts, initiatives, trust activities, closures and more. There is also a section on leadership, where Karl teams up with Steve Butler – a playmate of long-standing – to provide you with some insights into leading effective Adventure programs.


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SKU: 0-7872-2103-1 Category: Tags: , ,


QuickSilver includes ten years’ worth of new group activity ideas: icebreakers, warm-ups, group games, stunts, initiatives, trust & team-building exercises, closures and more. There’s a plethora of programmatic play in these pages, enough to delight even the most avid game collector. There is also a section on leadership, where the authors have combined their 43 years of experience to provide you with some insights into leading effective Adventure programs.

Whether you are an experienced or novice Adventure leader, or just looking for ways to bring people together in a fun, positive and meaningful way, QuickSilver will surely become one of your most valued resources.

A terrific companion to Karl’s seminal activity publication Silver Bullets – indeed, it is the book Karl recommends when people ask which of his books they should buy first.

Written by Karl Rohnke & Steve Butler in 1995 (304 pages.)

ISBN 987 0787 221032

Featured Activities


Very entertaining team-based charade-style game.

Two By Four

Intriguing team puzzle that is very tough to crack.


Powerful trust-building initiative for partners & groups.

Group Juggle

Dynamic group initiative that promotes collaboration.

Key Punch

Challenging group initiative to test critical thinking.

Free eBook:
Top Ten Icebreakers & Group Games

Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.