Search for Free & then Filter & Sort to find the Perfect Activity Idea
Creative mindful activity based on nature wellness.
Very challenging engineering task for small groups.
Powerful self-reflection & processing strategy.
Simple yet extremely difficult active counting game.
Creative process to help Individuals & groups set goals.
Wonderfully imaginative & reflective exercise for the dark.
Highly versatile reflection strategy for all groups.
Thoroughly challenging & entertaining stunt for groups.
Simple yet frustrating challenge for individuals & teams.
Variable & dynamic traversing challenge for an individual.
Creative reflection activity that encourages deeper reflection.
Challenging group initiative that will test memory skills.
Fun puzzle to inspire teamwork & critical thinking.
Exciting & engaging energiser using a simple prop.
Classic team puzzle that focuses on critical thinking.
Creative & competitive game for pairs & small groups.
Mathematical group initiative using a deck of cards.
Innovative set of playing cards featuring team puzzles.
Challenging team puzzle that inspires possibility.
Innovative stretch & balance exercise for individuals.
Quick & active energiser that will surprise some people.
Fascinating & very entertaining paper-plane stunt.
Series of fun & clever cryptic word puzzles to solve.
Challenging four-piece puzzle to inspire creativity.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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